LCE stats
WILLIAMSPORT - Sgt. Jeffrey L. McGinness, district office commander for the Pennsylvania State Police Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement in Williamsport, reported 79 complaints were received by his office in March.
Six licensed establishments were checked for age compliance and one establishment was cited for selling alcohol to an underage buyer last month. Nine violation letters and 28 warning letters were issued for violations of liquor laws. One establishment was cited for furnishing or sales without a license and/or seizures.
Theft at Lowe's
MONROE TOWNSHIP - State police at Selinsgrove reported an unidentified male removed a trash can, Bosch jigsaw and Dewalt impact wrench from Lowe's along Routes 11-15 between 6:48 and 6:55 p.m. April 1.
Theft of leased property
COAL TOWNSHIP - Dawn Smith, 38, of 150 N. Locust St., Mount Carmel, was charged by Patrolman Chad Yoder with theft of leased property after she failed to make pre-arranged payments to Rent-A-Center in Coal Township or return Apple smartphones she was leasing from them.
The value of the phones is $1,632.46, police said.
Police said Smith entered into the lease agreement Dec. 23.
Property owner cited
COAL TOWNSHIP - Geraldine Conni, of 16 Deerfield Drive, Elysburg, was cited Wednesday by Coal Township Code Enforcement Officer Chris Petrovich for allowing garbage and rubbish to accumulate in the rear of a property she owns at 234 Main St., Ranshaw.
City crash
SHAMOKIN - Eddie Martin, 58, of 315 Luke Fidler Road, Coal Township, was cited for a stop sign violation relating to a two-vehicle accident Saturday afternoon at the intersection of Liberty and Water streets.
Patrolman Scott Weaver reported Martin was driving a 2002 Ford west on Water Street at 12:15 p.m. when he failed to stop for a stop sign, causing his car to collide with a 1998 Ford driven south on Liberty Street by Nicholas Witkowski, 19, of 251 S. Diamond St., Shamokin. Witkowski's auto struck a utility pole.
Police said Witkowski suffered injuries and was taken by a private vehicle to Geisinger-Shamokin Area Community Hospital. His passenger, Kelsey Deitz, 19, of 212 W. Fourth St., Mount Carmel, also was injured and transported by AREA Services to the same hospital. Both victims underwent emergency room treatment before being released.
Martin escaped injury.
Both vehicles were towed from the scene.
Patrolman Raymond Siko II assisted at the scene.
Overdose charges
COAL TOWNSHIP - Courtney Marie Tongel, 20, of Newark, N.J., and a former resident at the Pregnancy Care Center, 1605 W. Lynn St., has been charged by Patrolman Christopher Lapotsky with possession of Spice and possession of drug paraphernalia involving a drug overdose at the center April 21, 2014.
Police reported Tongel was smoking Spice when she overdosed and fell down the steps before being transported to Geisinger Medical Center, Danville.
In addition to Spice, police said two lighters, a cigarette rolling device, plastic baggies and a piece of burned tin foil were found in Tongel's dresser drawer at the center.
Tongel has been prohibited from the returning to the center since the incident, police said.
Road rage
LEWISBURG - Peter Benjamin Almond, 41, and Jack Lyn Robbins Jr., 21, both of Sunbury, were cited by state police at Milton for harassment and disorderly conduct following a disturbance at 2:15 p.m. Sunday in the parking lot at Evangelical Community Hospital.
Police said after being involved in a road rage incident while traveling north on Route 15 that started in Snyder County, Almond and Robbins pulled into the hospital parking lot and chased each other in their vehicles before exiting their vehicles and engaging in verbal and physical altercations.
Police reported both men used obscene language and caused a public nuisance in the presence of hospital staff and visitors.